Build Your Teen’s Digital Skills & Save When You Buy a Mac at Core Simplicity in Copley, Ohio

Your teenagers want to be on the cutting edge. You want them to excel. When their wants merge with yours on the technology aisle, an Apple computer becomes a family discussion. Teens in Akron, Ohio; Fairlawn, Ohio; and Wadsworth, Ohio urge their parents to buy a Macbook or to buy a Macbook Air. But youthful spiels about slow motion and color inversion don’t top parents’ concerns about cost. A simple, tech savvy user interface and impressive virus resistance prompts parents to think twice. Yet, most won’t spend a chunk of money on something their kids may drop on the floor. Core Simplicity in Copley, Ohio is the solution. Their selection of refurbished Apple computers for sale lets parents buy affordable computers that satisfy teenage computer wants and technology needs.

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