Bond Exterminating’s Pest Deterrent & Indoor Insect Prevention Tips Keep You Bug-Free in Summit County, Ohio

Oh my! The summer flew by! The kids in Summit County, Ohio are headed back to school, the air is getting crisper, and fall is nearly upon us. And while the last time Nancy, the owner of Bond Exterminating, gave ideas on how to keep pesky critters out of your home by prepping the outside of your property…it’s now time to take a look at indoor insect prevention and pest deterrents for your Akron, Ohio or Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio home. While the warmer weather kept many homeowners outside soaking up the sun, the cooler temperatures will find many people cozied up by the warmth of a fire. This fall, do not invite creepy crawlers and itsy bitsy spiders (and just for the record, there is no such thing as a tiny spider!) to share the warmth of your home; send them the signal and serve them the papers that Nancy and the professional pest control experts at Bond Exterminating have a license to kill…and they mean business! Continue reading