For Titanium Recycling near Cleveland, Take Your Scrap Metal to Kylcase Metals

There are many industrial locations throughout the Cuyahoga County, Ohio and Summit County, Ohio areas that work closely with a variety of ferrous and non-ferrous metal types. Like most companies that work with metals, there’s bound to be leftovers that simply cannot be used. If you’re looking for a metal recycling center than can accommodate your companies scrap metal remnants, Kylcase Metals is the place to go. Do you have commercial titanium materials remaining at your Cleveland, Ohio business that you need to scrap? Even though they are no longer accepting scrap metal from the public, Kylcase Metals offers Titanium recycling and more to machining and industrial businesses in the Akron, Ohio area.  Although they offer these recycling services, they also specialize in the buying, selling, and processing of Titanium alloys.  If you have leftover Titanium and are looking for a good price, make Kylcase Metals your first stop.

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