Have you been considering a career in the drilling industry? Although you may think you need to be an engineer or have a degree from a 4-year college to join this industry, the truth is that many sites in the Utica Shale and Marcellus Shale region are looking for educated drivers to join their team. After all, the quick and efficient transportation of rigs, pipeline, and other materials is essential to staying on task and keeping one of these oil or gas fields functioning properly. Afraid you don’t have the time to complete the education you need to become a professional truck driver for this industry? Before you dismiss the idea of becoming a skilled truck driver, contact Great Lakes Truck Driving School near Grafton, Ohio.
For years, this truck driver training facility has been helping individuals in the Ashland, Ohio area and beyond obtain the short-term education needed to become a successful member of the truck driving industry through their drilling industry training programs. These training programs consist of professional CDL training programs and heavy equipment training programs for their students to select from. Great Lakes Truck Driving School also offers an oil field safety course to help their students graduate with a certification from SafeLandUSA.