Medicine Center Pharmacy Does Its Part by Educating the Canton, Ohio Community on Health Matters!

Getting involved and educating the community is what the Medicine Center Pharmacy does best…well, that and being a great pharmacy! And you might even think they are everywhere! Aside from their locations in Canton, Ohio; Louisville, Ohio; Minerva, Ohio and New Philadelphia, Ohio…you might have just seen them at a local health fair or festival, noticed their logo on the shirts of your local athletic team, or heard them on the radio! Everyone knows the familiar voice of Pharmacist Paul White from The Medicine Center Pharmacy! So much so, that you feel like you actually know him when you walk into Medicine Center Pharmacy. But, what some of you may not know is that you can get to know Pharmacist Paul White, his son, Pharmacist Brad White, and many others on the health-related talk show, Health Matters, every Friday morning on WHBC 1480 AM!

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