Geiger Teeple Smith & Hahn LLP Oil & Gas Attorneys Offer Over 50 Years of Experience in the Canton, Ohio, Alliance, Ohio, and Stark County, Ohio Area

Experienced oil and gas attorneys are not easy to come by. However, if you live in Canton, Ohio, Alliance, Ohio or the Stark County, Ohio area, you have a firm with nearly sixty years of experience right in your own backyard: Geiger Teeple Smith & Hahn LLP. This local oil and gas law firm is so well-versed in the industry, in fact, that in 2002, founding partner John Teeple was inducted into the Ohio Oil and Gas Association’s Hall of Fame. You cannot ask for a better testament to their abilities than that.

Geiger Teeple Smith & Hahn LLP was founded in 1953 primarily as a real estate based law firm. However, they had the unique distinction of being hired by the very first oil and gas company to bring rotary drilling technology to the state. From that point forward, their focus shifted to the oil and gas industry. They became Stark County’s go-to firm for securities law, title opinions, and agreement preparation, as well as representation. They have represented companies both before regulatory agencies and in litigation. Continue reading