Ohio-Based Direct Action Company Discusses Seasonal Horse Supplements

As spring and summer shows come to an end, you may be wondering whether you should switch out the equine vitamins you give to your animals. Are nutritional products for horses worth using when they’re not competing or working in the fields? With this being the second month of fall, should you consider seasonal horse supplements? Fortunately for those who are unsure about equine care during autumn and winter, Ohio-based Direct Action Company is used to receiving such questions from horse caretakers. As DAC has helped a number of Kentucky, California, and Texas trainers and owners with horse health maintenance, you’ll find their advice to be extremely beneficial for your own animals as well.

The equine vitamins that most horse caretakers use during show season are hoof and joint supplements, skin and coat supplements, and electrolyte supplements. Packed with all kinds of nutrients, these vitamins can make a big difference in the appearance and energy level of an animal. However, you may be hesitant about continuing with them if your animals aren’t training hard. After all, if your horses aren’t expending as much energy during the fall and winter months, shouldn’t they be able to get all of the nutrients they need from regular feed and grazing?

Experts suggest that this isn’t the case. And Ohio-based Direct Action Company agrees. While nutritional products for horses are especially important during the spring and summer when they’re competing in events or working in the fields, there’s a reason why such products are so effective. As each of the equine vitamins offered by DAC contain ingredients such as vitamin E, probiotics, biotin, essential amino acids, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, and zinc, they help to improve your animals’ insides as well as their outsides. Though your animals may not be working as hard during the colder months, their bodies will still suffer from regular wear and tear. That’s why Direct Action Company encourages horse caretakers to continue giving their animals seasonal horse supplements for horse health maintenance.

By stopping the equine care regimen you use during the spring and summer months, not only do you run the risk of your animals not getting the nutrients they need, but you may have a difficult time getting them back into shape when work/competition season begins again. However, since they will be spending more time in your Kentucky, California, or Texas stables and putting less strain on their bodies, you can cut down on the amount of equine vitamins you give them. For successful horse health maintenance, DAC encourages horse caretakers to use nutritional products for horses such as their Bloom, Digestive Feed Additive, Oil, Total Performance, and Orange Superior in smaller doses. This will go a long way in helping to ensure your animals’ health year-round.

If you have any other questions about horse health maintenance and seasonal horse supplements, visit DAC’s website at www.feeddac.com. You can also check out their Facebook page as they’ve answered a number of equine care questions there. If you’re interested in using some of DAC’s equine vitamins for your own animals, call 800.921.9121. This Ohio-based company has dealers throughout the Kentucky, Texas, and California areas that can provide you with the nutritional products for horses that you need.

Direct Action Company
Ph: 800.921.9121