Merit Seed near Dover, Ohio Has Quality Seeds for Deer Vegetation

If you live in Bolivar, Ohio, then you are no stranger to the beauty of deer—especially at this time of year when they seem to be everywhere. Wouldn’t you love to be able to see them up close and personal? Not just from afar or gazing at them along side the road, but looking at them from the kitchen window of your Dover, Ohio or New Philadelphia, Ohio home? Merit Seed in Berlin, Ohio has a large selection of quality seeds for deer vegetation! Why not bring the deer to your neck of the woods by providing them with nutritious deer food they love?

There are many things to consider before planting seeds to attract deer to your Dover or New Philadelphia property. Before planting seed in your garden, make sure the area that you are seeding is at least a half a mile off of the road. Planting seeds too close to the road could potentially lead to an increase in vehicle/deer collisions. If you plan on feeding the deer all throughout the year, realize that this might alter their migration path and leave them without the proper protection from the elements that they will normally seek. Also, feeding deer for the purpose of viewing them is fine. Feeding them for the purpose of “baiting” them and hunting is illegal in most states. Be sure to check with wildlife management for responsible feeding! Once the wildlife management has given you the okay to plant seed, now it’s time to head to Merit Seed! Merit Seed will not only educate you on what is the best quality seed to attract the wildlife you desire, but what seed is the right kind for your Bolivar area property and the type of soil it has.

Merit Seed can help turn your backyard into a buffet for many different kinds of animals! For instance, Merit Seed carries a type of seed called 12-Point Buck Blend. This blend of seed is the number one premium blend of high-end clovers, alfalfa, and chicory which offers a great variety for dormancy ratings for winter with a good cold tolerance—perfect for the weather in our area. This seed is very digestible and is well utilized by deer and turkey! This seed blend also grows quickly, so you will have deer vegetation growing in your yard in no time!

If your property has poor drainage, don’t worry—wildlife can still enjoy the benefits of nutritious deer food from Merit Seed! Chicory Extreme Blend adapts well to poor drainage areas. With its tolerance to the cold and the ability to re-grow quickly, this blend is a great seasonal blend and perfect for many areas in Ohio!

If you are looking for a quality heart seed that will provide plants throughout the entire winter, ask Merit Seed about Buck Forage Oats. Again this is a favorite among deer, turkey, and other wildlife. While it is too late to plant this seed now, next spring or fall would be a great time to plant to ensure that this time next year, the view outside your home will be filled with the beauty and grace of many different species of wildlife!

If you think that providing an oasis for Mother Nature’s creatures is something you would like to try your hand at, be sure to talk with the experts at Merit Seed. There are many different quality seed options for your Dover, Ohio or New Philadelphia, Ohio space, but after a brief chat with one of the knowledgeable staff members at Merit Seed, you will be on your way to planting nutritious deer food that will bring these majestic creatures right outside of your door! Visit to see what types of deer vegetation their seeds can provide. You can even give them a call at 330.893.3196 or visit their establishment near Bolivar, Ohio at 4759 Township Road 366 in Berlin, Ohio.