Increase Your Rental Income with New Kitchen Appliances from Interstate Kitchen Supply in Cleveland, Ohio

Your rental property income is directly connected to your rental rates. And what you can charge is based partly on location and largely on condition. So if you want more income from your rental property, the sensible thing to do is improve your property. After all, you can’t move buildings to better locations. But you can do apartment renovations and increase your property’s value and quality while simultaneously supporting increased rental rates. Improving kitchens is a sure way to go. New kitchen appliances bring old buildings into modern times and yield across the board increases that turn money spent into money invested. Property owners and contractors near Euclid, Ohio and Lorain, Ohio can find the kitchen assets to seal the deal at Interstate Kitchen Supply in Cleveland, Ohio.

Today’s tenants have high expectations. Thanks to home improvement and real estate flipping TV shows, tenants expect shiny appliances and modern kitchens. Outdated and mismatched kitchen appliances are instant turn offs.  They allow the old insult – very low rent – to double as an accurate assessment. They also stop your hopes of increasing your rental property income from materializing since tenants can hop online and find a place they deem worthy of what you want to charge.

Interstate Kitchen Supply is the starting point for apartment renovations that lead to increases. Their selection of ranges, refrigerators, microwaves, dishwashers, laundry appliances, and special touches appeals to today’s tenants. Their Cleveland showroom is filled with brand names, impressive designs, modern features, and affordable prices. Interstate Kitchen Supply can help property owners in Euclid, Lorain, and surrounding areas upgrade their establishments without experiencing blows to their bank balances.

Creating a new kitchen is as easy as selecting kitchen appliances and picking a wall color. Both actions can drastically change the look and feel of your property. A simple move from cheap white on boring white to stainless steel on taupe takes the room from intolerable to highly desirable in a day’s time. And all of your additions will add to your property value or increase your equity. Appraisals involve a review of the kitchen, and kitchen appliances make the biggest impact.

At Interstate Kitchen Supply, property owners and contractors can stay within their budgets and surpass tenants’ expectations. The company welcomes commercial customers, and they can help you make quality selections for impressive apartment renovations. From frost-free refrigerators to space-saving above range microwaves, the staff at Interstate Kitchen Supply can help you get modern while staying within your means. And if you’re seeking to attract upscale clients with a luxury look, Interstate Kitchen Supply has the digital displays and small consumer appliances you need to reach the income level you’re after.

You have the ability to increase your rental property income. With the help of Interstate Kitchen Supply, you can improve your property and increase its value and monthly rate at the same time. Apartment renovations are lasting investments, and new kitchen appliances are smart expenditures. Look at the kitchen of your Euclid, Ohio rental home or your Lorain, Ohio apartment building from a tenant’s perspective. If you can see that you wouldn’t pay the rental rate that you would like to charge, you know it’s time to go to Interstate Kitchen Supply. Visit their website at or call them at 216.749.1366 and connect with a sales rep today!

Interstate Kitchen Supply
3800 Brookpark Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44134