Special Unit Opens for Alzheimer’s & Dementia Patients at The Inn at Whitewood Village in North Canton, Ohio

Life’s tables turn frequently. We all spend time as students and as teachers just as we experience needing and providing help. For adult children of people with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, role reversals include the shift from accepting parents’ decisions to making the best decisions for them. Often times, those previously coddled realize that reciprocating tender treatment is nice but not enough. Instead, assisted care services from professionals at a senior living center are best. For families in Stark County, Ohio, The Inn at Whitewood Village in North Canton, Ohio is an ideal option. And this month, the Inn’s Alzheimer’s and dementia unit with specially trained staff, 24-hour monitoring, and a Snoezelen room opens to patients from places near Hartville, Ohio and Uniontown, Ohio.

Missing memories are not the only symptoms that plague people with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. In fact, some may consider the inability to recall names, places, and things to be lesser concerns. That is, in comparison to impaired judgment, difficulty processing thoughts, trouble understanding visual images, changes in personality, and other problems brought on by the two conditions.

When alone or at home with family, people with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients can harm themselves or others. And their symptoms can worsen in the absence of specialized care. For these and other reasons, adult children in Hartville, Uniontown, and other parts of Stark County sometimes find selecting a senior living center to be a matter of accepting the inevitable. Those who decide to provide their parents with assisted care services in a safe environment find solace in knowing they’re improving their parents’ quality of life in the process.

This is certainly the case for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients who find a second family at The Inn at Whitewood Village in North Canton. The newly built special care unit at the senior living center has a staff of nurses and aids as well as amenities tailored to these patients’ needs. Twenty-four hour, in-room monitoring referred to as the Vigil System leads the list of benefits. It employs motion activated cameras that allow risky behaviors to be immediately identified and addressed. And it also affords settled patients restful sleep as it deletes the need for disturbances.

Assisted care services at The Inn at Whitewood Village also include a Snoezelen room which could be a new concept to you.  But as Snoezelen was developed in the Netherlands in the 1970s as a way to care for disabled persons, it is not at all new to the medical community. Instead, it is a manner of multi-sensory stimulation facilitated through specially designed rooms. A Snoezelen room may contain lights, textures, music, and aromatherapy to stimulate patients’ senses. And the method is believed to provide a calming effect as well as to build trust in the patient-caregiver relationship.

Some may deem the various assisted care services available at The Inn at Whitewood Village to be more than what a typical senior living center provides. And the specialized staff would agree as they believe caring for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients is not, nor should it be, considered typical. Rather, the local team finds caring for elders to be both a responsibility and privilege whether it involves a Mom from Hartville, Ohio, a Dad from Uniontown, Ohio, or a couple from elsewhere in Stark County, Ohio. If you are an adult child with a parental care decision to make, feel free to visit the Inn. Explore the special care unit designed for 23 patients and see the Snoezelen room. Additional details are available online at www.innatwhitewood.com and you can call 330.499.1399 with questions.

The Inn at Whitewood Village
3146 Whitewood Street
North Canton, Ohio 44720