Need Help with a Slipping Transmission? Call 1st Quality Transmission near Canton, Ohio

When there’s a mechanical issue going on with your car, you can generally tell by its sounds and movements. For instance, if you hear any grinding, clanking, or screeching coming from the back of your vehicle, chances are that you’re dealing with a slipping transmission. Since transmission repair can be a demanding procedure, you may not want to take your car to just any Hartville, Ohio; Louisville, Ohio; or Alliance, Ohio garage. Instead, you’ll want to pay a visit to a shop that specializes in vehicle transmission service, like 1st Quality Transmission near Canton, Ohio. Offering a wide range of services including transmission flushes and rebuilds, 1st Quality Transmission is the place to call when you think there may be a mechanical problem with your car.

A family-owned shop just minutes away from Canton, 1st Quality Transmission has been helping drivers with their transmission woes for years. Unlike general auto repair shops throughout Louisville, Hartville, and Alliance, 1st Quality Transmission specializes in vehicle transmission service of standard, automatic, and CVT transmissions. No matter what kind of vehicle you own, the experienced technicians at 1st Quality Transmission are more than qualified to provide the transmission repair help you need. As they’ve received extensive training in their field, you can feel confident that they will be able to correctly identify where the mechanical issue is before proceeding to fix it.

As transmissions suffer a lot of wear and tear over the years, it’s not unusual to need transmission repair a few times over the life of your vehicle. Fortunately for you, 1st Quality Transmission handles all facets of vehicle transmission service, from routine transmission flushes to repair of slipping transmissions. This locally-owned business even offers complete transmission rebuilds for any kind of vehicle that’s brought into their shop. Since transmission work is what 1st Quality does best, you can rely on their team for a complete overhaul of your car whether it’s a standard Subaru or automatic Ford.

In addition to the excellent service offered by 1st Quality Transmission, you can also count on this local shop for the most affordable pricing around. Along with their reasonably-priced parts and labor fees, 1st Quality Transmission offers free quotes for any problem you may have. By taking your vehicle to this local shop, you’ll be able to get a thorough inspection of your vehicle plus an estimate without any strings attached. How many other repair shops do you know of that offer such a deal?

Whether your check engine light is illuminating your dashboard or your vehicle refuses to go into reverse, it’s well worth a trip over to 1st Quality Transmission near Canton, Ohio for vehicle transmission service. After taking the time to check out your car, one of their technicians will be able to tell you if you only need a simple transmission flush or a more complicated transmission repair. Give them a call today at 330.966.9900 to schedule an appointment with one of their technicians. If it’s a slipping transmission you’re dealing with, 1st Quality Transmission will work hard to get you back on the Hartville, Ohio; Louisville, Ohio; or Alliance, Ohio roads in a timely manner.

1st Quality Transmission
6237 Whipple Ave NW
North Canton, Ohio
Ph: 330.966.9900