Medicine Center Pharmacy: Northeast Ohio’s First Stop for Skin Rash Prevention

The chickenpox is bad enough, but when adults have the misfortune of developing shingles… Yikes! This painful skin condition is just that—painful. With the possibility of flu-like feelings, blurry vision, itchy patches and burning blisters, the symptoms of shingles are ones you really don’t want to experience if you can help it. And as it so happens, you can! Medicine Center Pharmacy offers shingles immunizations to Northeast Ohio customers as a means of skin rash prevention. By visiting your local Medicine Center facility in Canton, Ohio; Louisville, Ohio; Minerva, Ohio; or New Philadelphia, Ohio, you can quickly and easily obtain a shingles shot in order to avoid developing this irritating skin disease.

If you can think back to when you had chickenpox as a child, then you probably remember how unpleasant it was—having to stay away from other children, not being able to scratch the incredibly itchy spots on your skin, being covered in slimy oatmeal or bright pink calamine lotion…

Now, you may be relieved to find that those who have already been infected by chickenpox are unlikely to get it again. Unfortunately, people who have had chickenpox possess the varicella zoster virus—the same virus that causes shingles. This irritating skin disease generally occurs in older adults and those with weakened immune systems. While shingles itself cannot be passed from one person to another, a person with VZV can give the virus to another, causing chickenpox. If you’ve had the chickenpox and you’re over 50 years of age, the Medicine Center Pharmacy suggests getting a shingles shot for skin rash prevention.

Shingles is not something you want to play around with. Not only does it cause painful blisters and irritating patches on the skin, but some people develop severe nerve pain that can last for months or even years after the rash has already disappeared. By getting a shingles immunization from Northeast Ohio’s Medicine Center Pharmacy, you can prevent shingles from emerging.

When you visit the Canton, Louisville, Minerva, or New Philadelphia Medicine Center location nearest you, one of their friendly pharmacists can give you the ZOSTAVAX vaccine. This shingles shot can greatly reduce your risk of contracting shingles, so why not take the time to learn more about it?

By visiting, you can find out more about Medicine Center’s shingles immunization and if you’re a good candidate for it. The shingles shot shouldn’t be used if you don’t meet the criteria, so make sure to call and talk to one of Medicine Center’s knowledgeable associates if you have any questions or concerns. They would be more than happy to discuss this method of skin rash prevention and how it can help you avoid the irritating skin disease. If you’re able to receive the vaccine, just head over to the Northeast Ohio Medicine Center location nearest you.

2526 Tuscarawas Street W.
Canton, Ohio 44708

700 West Main Street
Louisville, Ohio 44641

251 East Street
Minerva, Ohio 44657

551 West High Avenue
New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663