Last Diet Ever Invites Residents in Tallmadge, Ohio and beyond to Sign up for a New Weight Loss Plan in 2017

By Gemma Chriss

For those who don’t already know, January is National Healthy Weight Awareness Month. Since many individuals choose to let loose and indulge during the holidays, January is typically the time of year when the extra pounds caused by those indulgences become evident. Studies show there’s an obesity rate of 36.5% among adults in the United States, which is why many people have started thinking about enrolling in a weight loss plan to prevent the problem from getting worse. Though there are many strategies available to prevent obesity, the key to success is finding a program that fits one’s specific needs. Last Diet Ever, a weight loss clinic located just miles from Brunswick, Ohio, offers an alternative to the expensive and ineffective fad diets that tend to crop up around this time of year. By providing participants with nutritional counseling, hCG treatments, weight management support, and more, individuals wanting to achieve rapid weight loss can do so in a safe, affordable, and healthy manner. Residents throughout the Hudson, Ohio and Tallmadge, Ohio areas are encouraged to learn more about this protocol and how it differs from others on the market.

The owner and operator of Last Diet Ever notes that just about every commercial shown during the month of January features a weight loss plan that claims it’s the best around. Many of these programs insist on participants only eating prepackaged meals provided by the company. These types of programs simply aren’t sustainable. After all, most people don’t take prepackaged food along to a restaurant when they plan an evening out with family and friends. There are also programs out there that advocate excessive exercise at a gym. However, not everyone has the time, money, or desire to work out at a public health facility. Plus, those who do exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet may still not see the number they want on the scale. As a result, many individuals give up on a new weight loss plan after just a few weeks.

“One of the easiest things to do is give up—especially when it comes to losing weight.” -Anonymous

Individuals throughout Hudson, Tallmadge, Brunswick, and beyond will quickly discover that Last Diet Ever’s protocol isn’t like other weight loss programs. This local weight loss clinic provides participants with a healthy, all-natural way to shed unwanted pounds and inches. The program includes a regimen of natural hCG treatments along with one-on-one nutritional counseling with a team of medical professionals. Those who enroll in the program aren’t forced to eat bland, prepackaged foods. Instead, the team at Last Diet Ever offers meal recommendations that feature plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. All of the ingredients are then purchased at whatever grocery store is convenient for the participant. Last Diet Ever also encourages participants to engage in low or moderate exercise such as walking, yoga, or light bicycling, rather than intense workouts that could result in injury.

Though Last Diet Ever’s protocol can potentially assist individuals with rapid weight loss, the fact that they put emphasis on weight management is especially noteworthy. Participants are given the tools they need to form lifelong habits, not temporary results. Those who finish this weight loss program not only experience rapid weight loss, but a better understanding of what they need to do to prevent the pounds from sneaking up again.

Those who are interested in learning more about this weight loss plan are encouraged to visit Last Diet Ever’s website at Not only does this local weight loss clinic offer additional information about their program online, but they also feature testimonials from past participants. For those who question how a combination of nutritional counseling and hCG treatments can lead to rapid weight loss and lifelong weight management, the staff members at Last Diet Ever can be reached by calling 330.721.1422. Individuals throughout Hudson, Ohio; Brunswick, Ohio; Tallmadge, Ohio; and beyond are also welcome to visit the office in person so they can speak with the staff about getting started on their journey toward better health.

Last Diet Ever
750 E Washington St, Ste B-4
Medina, Ohio 44256
Ph: 330.721.1422