For a Wonderful Holiday Gift, Digitize Your Old Film with Help from ARS Video Inc. near Cleveland, Ohio

ARS Video_LogoThe holidays are fast approaching, which means it’s time to pick up gifts for your loved ones before the big gathering at your Lakewood, Ohio or Shaker Heights, Ohio home. Unfortunately, you may discover that a few people on your shopping list are more difficult to buy for than others. Rather than presenting your father with yet another tie, or simply giving your grandmother a gift certificate to a nearby restaurant, why not invest in something truly special? ARS Video Inc. near Cleveland, Ohio is a great place to go for your holiday gifts because they can help preserve your family’s most cherished memories. Not only can the staff members at this video services company scan photos and slides, creating a digital album that can be viewed again and again, but they can also convert your film to DVD. Opting to transfer your film, video, or VHS to DVD ensures that these precious mementos from your past will be kept safe and sound. Plus, your loved ones will be thrilled when they unwrap their presents to find that you’ve digitized their old film or video tapes!

ARS Video_PhotosChoosing to enlist the help of ARS Video Inc. to scan your photos and slides into a digital album, or convert your film to DVD won’t just provide you with a thoughtful present to give to your loved ones, but a practical one too. Some people don’t realize that these old forms of media can degrade over time, ruining the color and clarity. The boxes of photographs you have stored in the basement of your Lakewood or Shaker Heights home are especially susceptible to damage as they won’t be able to hold up in the event of an unexpected flood or fire. Plus, most of the equipment needed to view old film is not only difficult to locate, but expensive to purchase. That’s why so many individuals throughout the greater Cleveland area opt to digitize their film and video tapes with help from ARS Video Inc.

ARS Video_Old PictureThis family-owned video services company can scan your photos and slides into a digital album, or even transfer your film/video/VHS to a more reliable DVD format. Chances are there are many home movies and photographs that your loved ones haven’t laid their eyes on in years. What a wonderful surprise it will be when they’re presented with all of those fun memories on one convenient disk! In addition to providing you with the means to digitize your film and video tapes, ARS Video Inc. will charge you a reasonable price for their work. Needless to say, it’s well worth taking advantage of everything this video services company has to offer, especially if you’re on the hunt for a truly unique gift.

ARS Video_MediaIf you’d like to learn more about this video services company near Cleveland, Ohio and how they can digitize your film and video tapes, visit their website at There you can find additional information on how they transfer film, video, and VHS to DVD, as well as pricing for each service. If you’d prefer to speak to a staff member in person about how they can scan your photos and slides into a digital album, or convert your film to DVD, simply take the short trip from your Lakewood, Ohio or Shaker Heights, Ohio home to their shop.

ARS Video Inc.

3439 W Brainard Rd
Woodmere, Ohio 44122
Ph: 216.839.1100

89 West Ave
Tallmadge, Ohio 44278
Ph: 330.633.2255