E.F. Boyd & Son Gives Back through Community Health Fairs, Career Days & More

E.F. Boyd & Son is breaking the mold when it comes to the funeral home industry. This is an establishment that cares genuinely for its Cleveland community, and strives for its betterment through focused involvement, such as attendance at local health fairs and career days. In addition to assistance, E.F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home also offers appreciation to the community that has helped it to become the premier African American funeral home in the Cleveland area.

In today’s world, it’s easy to become jaded and cynical, and assume that every action has an ulterior motive. If an established, locally-owned business is involved in community service events and activities, it must just be a way to be seen and to separate themselves from their competition, right? Wrong. E.F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home wants to give back to the community that supports it. As a community-based business, they share knowledge, offer support, and show appreciation, not for self-aggrandizement, but to help create a happier, healthier community.

In the month of April alone, E.F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home will have representatives at four separate Cleveland area health fairs. And, no, they aren’t there to drum up business. On the contrary, when the time comes that you have need of their services, E.F. Boyd wants to celebrate a life lived long and lived fully. The compassionate, caring staff knows that it’s never too early or too late for any person to make healthy changes in his or her life. To that end, the community health fairs that they attend cover a wide range of ages, genders, and races. For example, this weekend you will find E.F. Boyd at the Ohio Hispanic Social Services Workers Association Health Disparities Conference, an event which coincides with National Minority Health Month. Later this month, E.F. Boyd will once again be a vendor at Cleveland Clinic’s 10th Annual Minority Men’s Health Fair.

Another type of community service in which E.F. Boyd & Son participates is career days at area high schools. Many students graduate from high school with no idea which direction they want to go. In the funeral industry, there are a variety of roles that need to be filled requiring skills varying from the physical sciences to psychology to business and management. This month finds staff members from E.F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home attending two career days—Collinwood High School and East Technical High School. The funeral industry may not be one that readily comes to mind as students consider their futures, but E.F. Boyd & Son wants to help young people in the community to find fulfilling, successful careers. At career day functions, E.F. Boyd & Son can help students to become aware of opportunities that they had not yet considered.

E.F. Boyd & Son also enjoys giving recognition to others who perform community service, whether on a grand scale or by touching one life at a time. That’s why, on April 25th, they will be at the Hospice of Western Reserve Volunteer Appreciation event. It takes a special person to give so selflessly, and at E.F. Boyd & Son they realize how truly blessed they are to have these folks in their community.

If you are planning a Cleveland area career day, health fair, or other community event, and would E.F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home to be involved, contact their main location by phone at 216.791.0770 or by clicking the “Contact Us” tab at www.EFBoyd.com.