E.F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home Offers Support to Those in Cleveland, Ohio Suffering the Loss of a Spouse

For those coping with the loss of a spouse, the idea of living alone can be a daunting one. Often in these situations the children are grown and things that were once done by the other spouse now fall upon the surviving widow or widower. E.F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home in Cleveland, Ohio know that  coping with a spouses death can be challenging, which is why their helpful staff will gently guide you through the funeral process and other arrangements that need made in order to preserve the memory of your loved one. Though learning how to live alone again may be overwhelming, know that you are not alone and that there are always those whom you can speak with. Whether you’re speaking with family, friends, or others who are going through the same process in Lakewood, Ohio or Parma, Ohio, know that grieving is a natural process necessary for healing and that you are never truly alone.

It doesn’t matter if you suffer the loss of a spouse at a young age or much later in life, the loss is one of the most traumatic and stressful events in a person’s life. During this time physical, psychological, and spiritual boundaries will be challenged, and accepting that the grieving process will not be brief can make the process even more difficult. Although the grieving process may take years, it is important to know that grieving is a necessary process and essential to healing. For many, this is the first time they have been alone since adulthood, making learning how to live alone even more of a challenge. Some even refer to the feeling of being alone to that of feeling like an amputee – you feel a crucial part of your life is missing but still sense the presence of that individual you have lost around you. This is not an uncommon feeling, especially during the early stages of coping with the death of a spouse, but it does ease over time. It is important to let your family provide nurturance and support, or join a grief support group in your Lakewood or Parma residence area to help you overcome the gravity of the situation. E.F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home in Cleveland knows how important your spouse was to you and your family. Because of this, they want to help you celebrate your loved ones life with arrangements that are truly fitting for them. During even the roughest times, know that E.F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home will make this process an easy one for you and your family.

When you’re coping with the death of a spouse, everything seems to be coming apart. The world is not the same with their absence. Though grieving the loss of a spouse may take years, you can learn to develop a new lifestyle in their absence, allowing family traditions to evolve in ways that fit the new composition of the family that still honor the memory of the one who has passed.  When you feel ready, consider renewing yourself; your partner would have wanted you to be happy even if they could no longer be in your life. Try new activities in the Lakewood, Ohio area, make new friends in Parma, Ohio, and look for a new focus in your life so you can continue to live, even if you are still learning how to live alone. After all, recovery begins when the pain becomes manageable and the griever is able to think about the future again. When the worst should happen, know that E.F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home in Cleveland, Ohio can help make the process go as smooth as possible for you in your time of grieving. For more information, visit their website at www.efboyd.com or call 216.791.0770.