Determine if Synthetic or Conventional Oil is Best for Your Vehicle at Fix It Shop in Wilmot, Ohio

Today’s drivers have choices beyond which routes to take. Biofuels are sparking conversations just as the debate over synthetic or conventional oil is raging on. We’ll chime in on the latter today with help from the engine care experts at Fix It Shop. Located in Wilmot, Ohio, Fix It Shop is where folks from Stark County, Ohio and neighboring parts of Northeast Ohio go for honest input, affordable prices, and great service. When compared to quickie oil change places and chain auto service centers, Fix It Shop is considered the best place for an oil change, tires, and quality repairs.

Before we give you the facts that can help you decide whether synthetic or conventional oil is right for your vehicle, let’s define each. Synthetic oil is the new, or newer, kid on the block. Created in labs and derived from chemical compounds, synthetic oil is an engine lubricant with conventional oil or other raw materials as its base. Conventional, or standard, oil is refined from naturally occurring crude oil.

Aside from their chemical compositions, synthetic and conventional oils differ in performance, longevity, and cost. And these distinguishing characteristics are connected. You see, synthetic oil is thinner and able to better withstand extreme temperatures while producing less resistance in the engine than conventional oil. As a result, synthetics allow engines more horsepower and improved efficiency which translates to a better ride that burns less gas. Synthetic oil also lasts longer and costs more than conventional oil as well.

How much longer and much more? Well, you can get different answers at any number of oil change places. But at Fix It Shop in Wilmot, you can expect honest answers based on your vehicle, your area, your usage, and fair pricing. And that’s because the longevity of either synthetic or conventional oil is directly affected by these factors. A family car that travels about Stark County, for example, will get more life out of its oil than a working vehicle that traverses much of Northeast Ohio. And the crew at Fix It Shop – the best place for an oil change – will confirm this as true whether it’s synthetic or conventional oil in town.

The local guys in Stark County, Ohio can also confirm that the age-old three months or 3,000 miles rule is out when synthetic oil is in. For drivers who choose to go this route, as many as 10,000 miles or more is possible. But before you let that tempting figure seal the deal for you, call 330.201.7800 or stop by and talk to the guys at Fix It Shop. Tell them about your daily commute to include distance, average speed, and environmental factors. Why? Because all of this is pertinent to your choice of either synthetic or conventional oil. And unlike the detached staffs at most oil changes places, the team at the best place for an oil change in Northeast Ohio will help you make the best choice for your vehicle.

Fix It Shop
14641 Navarre Road
Wilmot, Ohio 44689