Blue Heron Dentistry in Copley, Ohio Offers Comfortable Mouthguards to Help You Sleep Soundly

Those of us with certain medical conditions may find it difficult to sleep soundly at night. And if you happen to suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, then there’s a good chance your loved ones can’t either! Fortunately for Akron, Ohio and Medina, Ohio residents, there is Blue Heron Dentistry. This local dentist’s office in Copley, Ohio has the comfortable mouthguards that obstructive sleep apnea sufferers need to end snoring—for good. Interested in Blue Heron’s sleep apnea treatment? Then you may want to learn more about the SomnoDent® MAS mouth appliance and how it can help.

If you are one of the many individuals in the Akron and Medina areas who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, then you know how frustrating it can be. And not just for you, but for everyone in your home! Not only does this chronic condition cause pauses in your breathing that disrupt your sleep, but it is often associated with loud snoring as well. Being constantly roused from your rest makes for very poor sleep quality. And no one wants to be tired all day because they didn’t get the sleep that they need! Luckily, this is one condition that you don’t have to deal with. Blue Heron Dentistry offers patients the SomnoDent® MAS mouth appliance as an effective sleep apnea treatment.

When you visit Blue Heron Dentistry in Copley, you will be able to talk to a knowledgeable dentist about this comfortable mouthguard. Made with two separate pieces (a lower and upper arch), this particular oral health product is easy to wear and won’t feel bulky in your mouth. Since obstructive sleep apnea is caused by a blocked or collapsed airway, the SomnoDent® MAS mouth appliance helps to keep your airway open—allowing you to breathe easier and sleep soundly. After getting fitted for your own mouthpiece at the Blue Heron facility, you can look forward to the end of snoring!

Obstructive sleep apnea is not the sort of issue that you want to ignore. Particularly since it affects your breathing at night! But getting help for your condition is as easy as making an appointment with Blue Heron Dentistry by calling 330.668.1016. This local dentist’s office will provide you with the comfortable mouthguard you need to end snoring and sleep soundly. To find out more about the SomnoDent® MAS mouth appliance that Blue Heron uses as sleep apnea treatment, visit their website at Once you’ve decided that this product is right for you, simply take the quick trip from your Akron, Ohio or Medina, Ohio home to Blue Heron Dentistry at 4645 Medina Rd in Copley, Ohio.