Bear Carpet One Floor & Home Shares the Benefits of a Co-operative Group with Northeast Ohio Residents

Co-operative enterprises have been steadily growing in number as time progresses, and have begun to receive the acknowledgment and respect they deserve. The year 2012 has been marked by the United Nations as the International Year of Co-operatives in order to spread the word about what these collectives do for the economy and society as a whole. The benefits of co-operative groups are numerous, which is why Bear Carpet One Floor & Home is proud to be a part of one itself. This locally-owned flooring company in Northeast Ohio works with its co-op in order to bring competitive flooring prices to customers and increase income in the Tuscarawas County, Ohio area.

Bear Carpet One Floor & Home’s co-op is part of a larger collective of 3000 storefronts called CCA Global. While you may not realize how this affects you as a consumer, the benefits of a co-operative group like this one are endless. When CCA Global enters product negotiations or debates the honoring of a warranty, they have the strength of 3000 stores behind them. Since the flooring manufacturers don’t want to lose business from so many clients, this gives CCA Global the upper-hand. Bear Carpet One is then able to provide Northeast Ohio customers with competitive flooring prices that they are unlikely to find elsewhere. The unity of those within this co-op is really something to be admired! Yet Bear Carpet One’s membership in the collective doesn’t just help them to sell affordable products to customers—it allows them to give back to the community as well.

When you purchase merchandise from a locally-owned flooring company such as Bear Carpet One, you can feel confident that your money is being put back into your community. Even though these businesses are part of a larger co-op, they are still owned and managed by people in your area—possibly your neighbors! This is extremely beneficial to the Tuscarawas County region as roughly 43 cents of every dollar they receive is then recycled to help out your city’s economy. Unlike large corporations that send a large portion of their profits to out of state bases, Bear Carpet One and its co-op care about giving money back to the areas in which their customers reside.

It’s truly amazing what can be accomplished when an assortment of stores come together as one. Not only does it allow you to receive competitive flooring prices, but the benefits of co-operative groups extend to helping improve area economies as well! Bear Carpet One Floor & Home is grateful for the opportunity to share the advantages of its co-op with customers throughout the Northeast Ohio area. When you visit this local flooring company in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, you will receive the best service that Bear Carpet and its co-op can provide. To find out more about the products that Bear Carpet has available, give them a call at 330.852.3890 or visit Of course, you can always speak to an associate in person by stopping at Bear Carpet’s facility at 759 Dover Rd NE in Sugarcreek, Ohio.