Akron Injury Center Provides Treatment for Neuropathy to the Residents of North Canton, Ohio

Have you been struggling with neuropathy of the legs? Peripheral neuropathy, a result of nerve damage, often causes numbness and pain in your hands, legs and feet. It can be extremely painful and make even the simplest things in your daily routine difficult. If you are in North Canton, Ohio; Canton, Ohio; or Akron, Ohio and are seeking treatment for neuropathy, Akron Injury Center can help.

Those that suffer from peripheral neuropathy often describe the pain as a constant tingling or burning sensation. The causes of foot and leg neuropathy can be categorized as inherited, such as diabetic neuropathy, or acquired from trauma or injuries. Those traumatic injuries usually come from infections, metabolic disorders, and exposure to toxins. Neuropathy can affect nerves that control muscle movement and those that detect sensations such as coldness or pain. There is no timeline for how long the sensations last but the underlying reason for the pain should be addressed immediately, even if the sensations have subsided.

Neuropathy can be classified in three different categories. Mononeuropathy affects only a single nerve. The most common types of mononeuropathy are carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve palsy, radial nerve palsy, and peroneal nerve palsy. The second type, multiple mononeuropathy, involves two or more nerves that are individually affected. Lastly, polyneuropathy generally involves the peripheral nerves. The most common examples of polyneuropathy include diabetic neuropathy and Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Neuropathy of the legs usually only subsides with treatment and lifestyle changes. Things like smoking and alcohol should be limited while more focus should be put on an exercise regimen to help stimulate circulation in your legs. Smoking causes blood vessels to constrict, decreasing the nutrients the nerves receive from the blood, causing further damage. Alcohol also damages the nervous system, directly affecting your neuropathy. A regular program of exercise, such as walking, is especially important because exercise maintains muscle strength and increases circulation to the legs. Now that fall has hit North Canton, it is the perfect time to find a walking route that works for you. And Akron Injury Center can work with you to develop a routine that fits your particular needs.

While lifestyle changes may help the pain, treatment for neuropathy is often the only way to properly manage it. The skilled staff at Akron Injury Center can help you find a treatment that works for you and your specific type of neuropathy. Depending on the type of neuropathy you have and your underlying reason, your treatment and lifestyle changes could vary. Seeing a professional, like the ones at Akron Injury Center, is especially important to your recovery because only they can understand what your underlying cause may be. Neuropathy of the legs can make every day life seem difficult. Peripheral neuropathy shouldn’t prohibit you from your life. If you are a resident of North Canton, Ohio or Canton, Ohio, Akron Injury can find a treatment to help you manage your neuropathy. If you have been suffering from the symptoms of neuropathy, call Akron Injury Center at 330.836.3333 or visit them at 1324 Vernon Odom Blvd in Akron, Ohio.