Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center in Akron, Ohio Is Offering Fall Enrollment!

Fall brings change to Tallmadge, Ohio and the surrounding Summit County, Ohio area. A change of seasons with beautiful colors, cooler temperatures, a whole new wardrobe, and more. It’s time to welcome autumn! While change can often be a good thing, sometimes change can cause a disruption in your daily routine. Either way, change takes some getting used to! Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center in Akron, Ohio realizes that as life changes, the need for childcare changes as well. That’s why parents in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio turn to Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center to provide them with the best childcare assistance around. And if change has brought you in search of a place for quality education and supervision, good news! Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center is now accepting children for fall enrollment. The professionals at Above and Beyond know that daycare for fall is not only an adjustment for the children, but for caretakers as well. Below are a few ideas that can make the transition to Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center a smooth and happy process for all of those involved!

First, if you are taking the step into a new childcare situation, plan for an adjustment period. While children may look forward to a new environment and you are confident that Above and Beyond is the right choice for you and your family, a new routine can take some time getting used to. Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center invites you, your child, and all who are involved to visit the facility. Take a tour, meet the teachers, and become familiar with the Summit County facility’s procedures and rules. If possible, let your child have a run-through of what their schedule will be like when they start at the daycare for fall. The more familiar you and your child are before you sign up for fall enrollment, the less anxiety both of you will have when the actual day arrives! You can also ask if your child can be introduced to some children that will be in the same classes. This way, your child will see some familiar faces on their first day at this Akron facility.

After your visit to Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center, be sure to continue to talk to your child about the visit. Express enthusiasm about the new arrangement and offer them encouragement and support. Talk about the things that they absolutely loved about the center and talk about (if age appropriate) some of the concerns your child may have. Being in a new environment and following a new routine can be scary for kids. Heck, even adults have a hard time adjusting to new situations! Sometimes the smallest things can really weigh on a child’s little mind! For example, maybe your Cuyahoga Falls or Tallmadge child is used to having snack time before story hour. But now snack time is after story hour! In your little one’s head, they may be worrying that they will never make it until after story time. They will starve! This may seem silly to grownups, but think of it from a child’s perspective. The educators at Above and Beyond will not only provide quality education and supervision, but they will help your child to get comfortable with a new set of rules. And those seemingly silly little worries will be their number one concern when it comes to your child.

Finally, Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center has an open door policy! This Summit County, Ohio facility welcomes caregivers to be a part of this transitional period. When you sign your child up for fall enrollment, the door is always open. Feel free to check in with your child, pop in for lunch, or even stay a little while as your Tallmadge, Ohio or Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio child becomes a part of Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center. To find out more about Above and Beyond and why this is an exceptional daycare for fall, give them a call at 330.374.1333. For a tour, stop by 131 – 135 East Cuyahoga Falls Avenue in Akron, Ohio and view their quality education and supervision with your own eyes!