Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center: A reliable staff for daily childcare in Akron, Ohio

Parents are faced with the challenge of trying to find a nice balance of work and home—time with the family vs. time with the laundry, time with the laundry vs. time at the office, etc.  One of the biggest challenges of all is that of determining how your children will be cared for throughout the busy day while you’re working or at school.  At Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center in Akron, Ohio near Stark County, Ohio and Summit County, Ohio, a parent can be assured of their daily childcare choice.  With a highly trained staff having completed their degree in a child-centered field, the center focuses on social learning activities experienced through exploration and reading experiences for all ages.  For children ages 6 weeks through 11 years, the convenient childcare hours will meet your family’s needs.

One of the things that makes Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center so desirable is its location.  Parents from all over the Summit County and Stark County areas come to work in or near Akron.  The commute is made less cumbersome when you know your children are coming with you and can be dropped off along the way for their daily childcare.  Heading home in the afternoons is just as easy when you know you can pick up your children on the way to the highway and get home for dinner at a decent time.  Working later hours?  You can pick up your children from the highly trained staff until 6:00pm, or have someone else (that you’ve authorized) show their ID and pick them up for you! The facility is licensed through the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and offers convenient childcare hours to serve your family best.

Most children who are younger than school age enrolled at the center will be there most of the day. As a parent who cannot be with them all the time due to work or school, it is reassuring to know that the highly trained staff has studied in a child-centered field and facilitates your son or daughter’s learning throughout the day.  Using high-interest reading experiences (like picture books) to grab the childrens’ attention, they design further exploration and learning activities that allow them to play and socialize while thinking more about concepts.  This is in accordance with Ohio’s Early Learning Standards and goes a long way toward preparing your child for Kindergarten.  Not only are there books, but art activities and music.  Children will have plenty of goodies to show you that they’ve created after a day at Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center.

Many families will be re-evaluating their daily childcare routines with the changing of summer to fall. Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center serves the areas of Summit County, Ohio and Stark County, Ohio.  Parents can make the choice to send their children into the arms of a highly trained staff when they cannot be with them due to work or school.  They will spend their day being exposed to meaningful reading experiences and social learning.  The convenient childcare hours will fit into your commute schedule.  Call 330.374.1333 today to schedule a visit or to get your questions answered!

Above and Beyond Early Childhood Development Center
131-135 E Cuyahoga Falls Ave
Akron, Ohio 44310
Phone: 330.374.1333