Bill’s Heating and Cooling Helps Tallmadge, Ohio Residents with Seasonal Furnace Repair

By Gemma Chriss

Though do-it-yourself projects have steadily increased in popularity, there are some tasks that are best left to the professionals. For instance, anything related to the heating system in one’s home should not be handled by an eager DIYer. With fall just around the corner, some residents throughout the Uniontown, Ohio; Tallmadge, Ohio; and Fairlawn, Ohio areas may be thinking about saving money on seasonal furnace repair by doing the work themselves. However, the residential heating experts from Bill’s Heating and Cooling (330.794.4309) are quick to advise against this course of action. In addition to not knowing what to look for when performing a furnace check-up, an inexperienced homeowner can risk serious injuring by attempting furnace maintenance without the proper skills and tools.

There are a number of tasks that a residential heating expert performs during the annual furnace check-up—removing dust, replacing the filter, checking pilot/igniter operation, inspecting belts, testing safety controls and thermostat, etc. All of these actions are necessary to ensure that the heating system is functioning correctly. Since Bill’s Heating and Cooling has been offering furnace maintenance to residents throughout the Uniontown, Tallmadge, and Fairlawn areas for years, their technicians are well qualified to open up a furnace and inspect the interior components. However, a DIYer who is unfamiliar with heating units could end up making some crucial errors, such as not checking for the presence of carbon monoxide. Exposure to this colorless, odorless gas can be fatal, which is why those who have never undergone the necessary training to work on furnaces shouldn’t attempt to do so.

During an annual furnace check-up, a professional will also be able to tell whether any of the components need to be fixed. It’s extremely important to allow a residential heating expert to perform seasonal furnace repairs as they know how to take apart the unit and put it together again. By attempting to handle repairs on one’s own, the average homeowner can run into several costly and potentially dangerous issues. For starters, there’s the risk of fire and explosion. When a furnace’s components aren’t reassembled correctly, it can trigger a fire when the unit is turned on. There’s also the risk of electrocution as gas furnaces contain electrical circuits that need to be approached very carefully. Finally, trying to repair one’s heating unit could result in additional damage that may cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to address.

By calling Bill’s Heating and Cooling, homeowners can have peace of mind that any furnace work they need will be performed in a quick, safe, and efficient manner for a reasonable price.

Those who haven’t had their heating system inspected in some time should consider enlisting the help of a residential heating expert soon. Professionals like those from Bill’s Heating and Cooling will be able to perform any seasonal furnace repairs that may be required before the late autumn chill arrives. To schedule a furnace check-up today for maintenance purposes, residents throughout the Uniontown, Ohio; Tallmadge, Ohio; and Fairlawn, Ohio areas are encouraged to call Bill’s Heating and Cooling at 330.794.4309.

Bill’s Heating and Cooling
Ph: 330.794.4309