E. F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home Honored by Cleveland, Ohio Street Name Change to William Boyd Sr. Way

What an honor it would be to have a street named after you. What do you think it would take, what kind of service and commitment to your community would be required to cause such a thing? Look to William F. Boyd Sr. of E. F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home for an example, as Cleveland, Ohio’s 89th street will soon be renamed William Boyd Sr. Way.

If you’re not familiar with E. F. Boyd Funeral Home or Mr. Boyd, you may have a lot of questions right now. For example, why 89th street? Since 1938, the main headquarters of E. F. Boyd & Son (which now includes three funeral homes) has been located at 2165 East 89th Street in Cleveland. At this location alone, hundreds of families have found solace, and have had the opportunity to grieve and mourn in their own uniquely personal ways. Continue reading